Cadwell Park

With a second place and a win and a couple of extra points for the fastest laps, Will Penrose maintained his lead of the Championship from Kamal kalsi, although Kamal wasn't doing too badly himself as he also took a win and a second. Will has a points lead but at this stage of the season its worth thinking about dropped scores. Each driver must drop his three worst scores in calculating the final championship positions at the end of the season and when that is done, at the moment, there are only four points in it! There is all to play for at the remaining three championship meetings.

The Cadwell meeting took place on a gloriously sunny June weekend and conditions could not have been better, testament to which was a new lap record set in each race. As always at Cadwell the racing was extremely close because on such a narrow track passing is diffcult. In the first race Kamal pulled out a clear lead on the first lap only to be gradually hauled in over the race distance as Will edged ever closer. Up the mountain on the last lap Will looked to have thrown the chance of the win away with a trip across the grass, only to have Kamal do exactly the same on the very last corner allowing Will past. In Race 2 the same scenario played itself out, but this time there were no last lap mistakes and Will followed Kamal home.

In both races there were very close battles throughout the field, with the lap times of the sixth to twelth placed cars separated by less than a second.

Cadwell is the favourite circuit of most of the drivers in the championship and this year it hosted a virtually accident and damage free Porsche 924 meeting ..... a tribute to the high driving standards displayed by all the Porsche 924 drivers.

23/07/2009 02:41:30