London Motorsport Show - Brands Hatch

ThePorsche 924 Championship put on a stand at the  London Motor Sport Show last weekend (22nd/23rd November).The show provides racers and would be racers with the opportunity to get up close with cars and race series, and is a must if you are looking for a series to race in next year.

 With over 10,000 people predicted to attend we were keen to present the 924 Championship and encourage new drivers to join us.

 Its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it! Between a handful of drivers we put together one of the best stands at the show. A double sided stand with 4 cars on show, and an additional 2 cars on track running passenger rides for both days. This actually meant we had a bigger presence than any other exhibitor, and by far the most cars! A large screen TV showing in car footage and coverage from Pembrey race track helped stop people in there tracks as they walked by and enthusiastic drivers talked for hours about the virtues of the 924 series. Hundreds of leaflets were handed out (click here for a copy)

 Passenger rides were very popular, with Jayson Flegg, Matt Upchurch and Mark Marshall running in every session, they didn't seem to mind though! Jayson's driving was cut short on Saturday when he snapped his cam shaft. Though in typical club fashion Will Penrose turned up with a spare on Sunday!

 The weather was COLD and on Sunday it was cold and wet, but attendance was good. A constant supply of tea and coffee kept everyone warm. Feedback from the public was encouraging. Some looking to start out in racing, some looking for a change of series, and a surprising number looking for a cheaper racing series to get their racing fix through the credit crunch!  Most encouraging was that almost everybody ‘got it' The philosophy of the club and the racing. Affordable and equal.

 2009 is shaping up to be a great year for the Porsche 924 Championship

23/12/2008 01:10:10