Ryan Hooker wins Round 14

Ryan Hooker wins again !

However it almost could have been a very different story. Qualify started in the dry with Steve Cheetham ( guest driver taking pole ) but then the heavens opened. It rained solid for 4 hours with standing water on the track

Drivers were led out on a 2 lap "get use to the wet conditions". Red lights went out and the race was on for all of … ½ a lap. The leading 4 cars decided to aqua plain of the track and play follow my leader.

Paul McErlean thought his dreams of a maiden win had come true with all the leading contenders dug in the gravel trap but they were only to be dashed by a restart. All 4 cars were dug out and the race restarted.

Ryan led from the start and with the rain getting thicker every one decided to hobble round the track as best they could.

Ryan won with Chris Milne coming second and Steve Cheetham taking third.

24/10/2004 21:28:36