Rainmeisters excel.....

With Gary Duckman securing the championship at Brands in July, he has chosen to not race the final three rounds, but there is still a fierce battle for second in the championship. A wet qualifying session saw a very interesting start to the day at Cadwell Park. The session came to a sudden halt after the first lap when Graham Heard went off and into the tyre barrier at park corner. After a short delay qualifying was back under way with the fastest time being set by Steve Cheetham by over four seconds. An excellent run saw Cieran Brewer to second place with Martin Todd in third. Thanks mainly to a braking malady, an unfortunate altercation with a barrier saw Richard Mowbray end his session early. Before the formation lap of the first race Matt Davis was not allowed to start because of oil leak woes. An eventful first race saw Graham Heard starting from the back, carving his way up to 7th. A poor start from Norman Finn meant that Martin Hall was forced to take avoiding action putting him nearly last and a sterling performance saw him back to his original position of eleventh. A fearsome battle between Martin Todd and Lee McNamara providing excellent entertainment for the crowds scored Lee his fourth third position. An awesome battle further down the grid between Andy Whalley, Martin Hall, Norman Finn, Alec Fraser, Paul Pattison and Steve King gave tight racing and enjoyable watching. A slippery surface provided difficult driving and claimed another victim when Carlo Bonetti’s wheels locked and saw him slide into the barrier. Yet another eventful second race made for great watching. There were yet more retirements before the grid was formed including Andy Whalley (fuel leak), Carlo (previous race incident) and Lee McNamara. An exciting start saw all get away cleanly but 90 seconds later the red flags were shown due to a spin by Martin Todd. After he rejoined the grid the race got back under way with another clean getaway. Norman Finn, Alec Fraser, Paul Pattison and Martin Hall tussled for lap after lap, finishing respectively. An unfortunate spin meant that Cieran Brewer was to drop several places where a heated battle between himself and Steve King ensued. Jonathon Ramsey, Richard Mowbray and Graham Heard were evenly spaced by a second each. Martin Todd held off Will Penrose for several laps until a missed gear on the last lap at mountain was to let Will Through to claim second and Steve Cheetham Rocketed through to another win. Report by James Hall

03/09/2006 21:11:58