Red Barron pirouette at hairpin

Fantastic day. Everyone was on good form on and off the track. I qualified ok despite the cars poor handling but got a bad start as I had no first gear (didn't tell anyone!) and it bogged down, so at the first corner I was down several places. However, this seemed to provide a level of determination usually missing and I had a great time working my way back up to third place after a battle with Steve Cheetham then threw it all away by doing a pirouette at the hairpin! Having said that, it was one of the most satisfying drives I've had. A set of 968 torsion bars (thanks Ernie) and refurbished shock absorbers should sort out the handling and a bloke from the 924 owners club said I can have a gearbox off him, so roll on Snetterton!

Report Richard Mowbery

30/05/2006 22:08:19