Rounds 12 & 13 - Snetterton

Ryan Hooker makes it 2 in a row at Snetterton. On Saturday Ryan was perused by his old rival Steve Cheetham, Steve said" I knew if I made a mistake Ryan would be away, I made the mistake!" On Sunday saw a similar change with Ryan pulling away from the rest of the field, Steve Cheetham narrowly missed being T-Boned on the first bend and the rest of the field taking evasive manoeuvres to miss hitting Steve. Steve however came from last place in a fantastic drive to recover 3rd place. ,

Ryan Hooker took the win. "I had a good start in race one" said Ryan. "I was able to gradually pull away for a comfortable win by 5 seconds." Taking this first race also saw Ryan retain the Barne Ruche Trophy. Ryan is just as thrilled to receive the BRSCC East Anglia trophy a second time, seeing his name once more engraved alongside such motorsports luminaries as former BTCC Champion Will Hoy. "It's amazing to think my name is going to be engraved next to some of the greats like Hoy" Ryan said.

"Towards the end of the race we were a bit off song power wise" Ryan told us, "but I was able to keep a close eye on that. I was being slowly caught by Chris Milne but not unduly worried."

13/09/2004 21:34:16