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Preventable faulires

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:54 pm
by force44
Over the weekend I had a couple of failures on the Boxster. Both preventable.

#1 The springs which hold the handbrake shoes in place failed during my qualifying. They either corroded and broke or were shook loose and once floating around inside the hub caused the handbrake to lock on intermittently.

Next time you change your rear brake discs double check or replace these springs.

I know some people remove the handbrake mechanism completely for exactly this reason.

#2 On the last lap of Race 2 my gear lever popped out of the plastic linkage underneath the gear lever housing as I tried to change down for 4th to 3rd into Dene hairpin.

The parts are plastic and the metal ball on the bottom of the lever snaps into it to mate the lever to the cables and allow for adjustment. Mine was obviously worn out and the plastic had cracked.

If your fitting a short shift kit I would treat this as essential part to replace and even if not, good practise on a 986. My gear change is definitely sharper now.

Mark the position of the cable before you take it apart, so it goes back the same and use a long ring spanner to lever the new part onto bottom of the gear lever. This way you don't have to dismantle the gear lever.

Both of these are common failures on road use Boxster's, are quick fixes and Jasmine have the bits stocked, so a huge thanks to them last weekend.


Re: Preventable faulires

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:26 pm
by sharpe64
i know wills doesnt have a handbrake.....probably best to get rid of it....

Re: Preventable faulires

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:38 pm
by 911Sport
Thats right we have removed the handbrake system from Wills car.

Re: Preventable faulires

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:45 am
by Steve b
Hand brakes kinda useful for starts at Brands!!!