Stuck nut - HELP!

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Stuck nut - HELP!

Postby Porsche917 » Thu May 05, 2011 10:01 am

I've virtually got everything done on the car - rebuilding the rear brakes the last few nights and oh, oh!- can't get the castellated nut off one of the rear brake drums IT IS STUCK like it's welded on! Have broken two half inch bars trying to free it. Have put easing oil etc on it BUT IT WON'T BUDGE. Any ideas - I'm thinking of heating it?
Had it off last season a couple of times to replace the pads - no troubles. Coming to Donington with half the rear axle's brakes working doesn't seem like a great idea.
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Re: Stuck nut - HELP!

Postby Steve b » Thu May 05, 2011 12:42 pm

You could try Heat it works sometimes!

Other things Ive done in the past

1/ Weld an old socket and bar to it then lever with 6 foot scafholdinng bar
2/ Cut part way thru nut with air saw then chisel in the cut to brake it off
3/ Use a rattle gun
4/ cut the whole frikin thing off and replace the complete stub axle!!!
5/ Make sure you are undoing it and not tightening it (thats always funny that!)
6/ 2 foot lever bar with you standing on the end and a helper thumping the socket with a big hammer to shock it off.

Used option 1 on an old beetle once and we got the front wheels well off the ground before it undid!

Give it up as a bad job and buy Red 60!
"It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal." ~ Stirling Moss
Steve b
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Re: Stuck nut - HELP!

Postby Porsche917 » Thu May 05, 2011 6:41 pm

Gosh Steve - never realised there were so many fun ways to try.....I'll get to work on the list right away - thanks!
We'll get the car to Donni somehow.
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Re: Stuck nut - HELP!

Postby gwynsms » Thu May 05, 2011 11:26 pm

Hi Geoff
Yep, those hub nuts can get mighty tight! Your on a lost cause using a half inch breaker bar, you need a 3/4ins one along with a 3/4 drive 36mm socket. With the car on the ground appropriately chock'd, you jump up and down on it!
The official torque figure is something like 275ft lbs - equivalent to a 20stone person standing on the end of a one foot bar. Both sides by the way are normal right hand thread. Best of luck.

A hint for you; when you put them back on, grease the thread as well as the back face of the nut, and do them up (jump up and down again..) and line up the split pin hole precisely, such that a split pin or an R clip drops in. Bend split pin only sufficiently to stop it falling out, it should then wiggle in its hole. After each race/outing, check that the split pin still wiggles, yes = ok, no = nut moved and your rear wheel bearings are begining to expire.

Gwyn SMS Motorsport.
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Re: Stuck nut - HELP!

Postby Porsche917 » Fri May 06, 2011 5:45 pm

Thanks Gwyn. Borrowed the BIG 3/4" bar from my friendly garage today - will have a crack at it tomorrow. Great hint re the movement and bearings - thanks.
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Re: Stuck nut - HELP!

Postby Porsche917 » Sun May 08, 2011 8:15 pm

Got it apart - not difficult with the right bit of kit! Thanks for the tips.
Posts: 93
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:36 am

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